Tuesday 5 October 2010

Get a Voki now!

A bit of musical-ness on a Tuesday afternoon!

Post Lunch fun!

Good news! Fish and chips (and peas, but let's be honest, who cares about peas?) and plenty of mayo! Yum, yum. Best of all was the desert of bread pudding and whipped cream. With concerns over healthy lunches now eliminated, we are set for an afternoon of learning. First up I-something or other... but sounds like jolly good fun non-the-less.

Almost Lunch! (Mmmmmm)

What we are having for lunch has become a bit of a concern after hearing horror stories of the Martineau providing *gulp* sandwiches and healthy snacks! My spine shudders at the meer thought of this blasphemy! Anyway, with but seven minutes to go I leave you with some food for thought...

1 and a half songs and already a legend..

Cher Lloyd- good work!

Tea Break!

ALAS, HEAVEN! Just had a particularly unsettling incident with a Kenco machine, where you have to post your tea bag through a letter-box-like contraption. Thankfully, Helen was there to save the day and I am now slowly sipping tea from a polystyrene cup.

Still blogging...

Have been blogging for approximately two hours now and am beginning to think with my stomach. It is rumbling like a volcano! Never-the-less I have learnt the art of basic blogging and am beginning to develop bloggerhea, sounds disgusting but is not as ghastly as it seems. Am hoping my class are behaving themselves and not climbing the walls (you too Ms Locke).

KT and the brilliant blue car

Tuesday 5th October 2010.

I arrived at the Martinaeu approximately twenty minutes after leaving my house, which made me about 45 minutes early! Having spent a lot of time in my brilliant, blue car, listening to my new KT Tunstall album over and over, I jumped excitedly out and got incredibly lost in the long, winding (and very pink) corridors.